Book: Viking Hondbók: Eat, Dress, and Fight Like a Warrior

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Viking Hondbook by Kjersti Egerdahl

Learn what it was like to live as a Norseman in this fun and fascinating look at Vikings and the Viking Age.

Inspired by the legendary legacy of the Vikings, author Kjersti Egerdahl presents a compelling and entertaining guide exploring who the Vikings were and how they lived, from ancient Norse daily life to battles and adventuring. You'll learn how Vikings ate, dressed, and fought, and even how they weaved the perfect beard braid and built warships and weapons. Interspersed throughout is revealing historical anecdotes about Viking conquests, famous warriors, mythology and afterlife, and much more.

224 pages. Hardcover.  7.3 in H | 5.4 in W
ISBN-13: 978-0-7624-9589-4

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