Artwork: "I Jusu Namn " In Jesus Name by Greta Lann

Material: 11x14 Black Frame with 8x10 Print
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I Jesu Namn (Swedish) In Jesus Name by Swedish Artist Greta Lann

8.5x11 Print

This is a traditional prayer of blessing over a meal. I made it as an illustration for a book about a wonderful Swede who moved to America and the adventures of her life. I was inspired by the stone-carved boughs of fruit and greenery decorating the apartment houses of Strandvägen, along the waterfront in Stockholm.

Bords Bön: (Table Prayer:)
I Jesu namn (In Jesus' name)
Till bords vi gå (to the table we go)
Välsigna Gud (God bless)
Den mat vi få (The food we receive)


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